Basic Examples


<esi:include src="/_fragments/basic-examples/include" />

The most common ESI tag you're likely to use, Edge will request the given URL and replace the tag with whatever is returned.
The $(varname) syntax can used within the src attribute to use ESI variables

Contrary to the ESI Spec the alt and onerror attributes are not supported.


<esi:include src="/_fragments/basic-examples/include" />

This page is:

Generated at:  Thu, 03 Oct 2024 07:29:35 +0100 - 2132207689

<esi:include src="/_fragments/basic-examples/include2?$(QUERY_STRING)" />

Query string on this page is:

<esi:include src="/_fragments/basic-examples/include2?foo_says_what=$(QUERY_STRING{foo})" />

Query string on this page is: foo_says_what=

<esi:include src="/_fragments/basic-examples/include2?cookie=$(HTTP_COOKIE{SQ_SYSTEM_SESSION})" />

Query string on this page is: cookie=



Another fairly common tag, prints a variable from the ESI into the page.
HTTP_COOKIE and QUERY_STRING variables can be accessed with a dictionary syntax using curly brackets (try adding a ?foo=bar style query string to this page)





GeoIP Vars


All the variables provided by the nginx GeoIP module are available in the ESI scope by default.
They are prefixed with GEOIP_ and all upper case.


    <li>continent_code: $(GEOIP_CONTINENT_CODE)</li>
    <li>country_code: $(GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE)</li>
    <li>country_code3: $(GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE3)</li>
    <li>country_name: $(GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME)</li>
    <li>dma_code: $(GEOIP_DMA_CODE)</li>
    <li>latitude: $(GEOIP_LATITUDE)</li>
    <li>longitude: $(GEOIP_LONGITUDE)</li>
    <li>region: $(GEOIP_REGION)</li>
    <li>region_name: $(GEOIP_REGION_NAME)</li>
    <li>city: $(GEOIP_CITY)</li>
    <li>postal_code<: $(GEOIP_POSTALCODE)</li>

  • continent_code:
  • country_code:
  • country_code3:
  • country_name:
  • dma_code:
  • latitude: 39.96250
  • longitude: -83.00610
  • region: Ohio
  • region_name:
  • city: Columbus
  • postal_code: 43215

When - Choose - Otherwise

    <esi:when test="condition">
        do something
        so something else

Simple conditional logic
Content inside when / otherwise tags can include other esi tags


    <esi:when test="$(QUERY_STRING{name}) == ''">
    <esi:when test="$(QUERY_STRING{name}) == 'barry'">

Hello Anonymous

    <esi:when test="$(GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE) == 'AU'">
        G'day mate!



<esi:remove> Some content to hide! </esi:remove>

ESI Remove tags and everything they contain are deleted from the processed markup.
Typically used to provide fallback content in case ESI processing fails


<esi:include src="/_fragments/basic-examples/include"/>
  You can't see me!

This page is:

Generated at:  Thu, 03 Oct 2024 07:29:35 +0100 - 263597408

HTML Comments

<--esi <esi:vars>$(QUERY_STRING)</esi:vars> -->

A special form of HTML comment tag, the tags are removed by the ESI processor but unlike the <esi:remove> tag ESI instructions within these comments are still processed.

Combine with <esi:remove> to provide fallback content while commenting out ESI tags if ESI process is disabled


<--esi <esi:include src="/_fragments/basic-examples/include" /> -->

This page is:

Generated at:  Thu, 03 Oct 2024 07:29:35 +0100 - 587513479


<esi:comment text="comment" />

Tags in this form are removed and never show in the final HTML
They can be used similarly to Matrix comments (<!--@@ Comment goes here @@-->)